Fire Alarms and Christmas Songs

A few nights ago, the power went out. It came back on at about, 2 in the morning. How does Valentine know this, you ask? And how does this involve fire alarms and Christmas songs? It’s a long story. Better get comfortable! 😀

So, I was asleep. It was 2am. Suddenly I wake up to the stereo downstairs. It was playing Jingle Bells!  I thought that it was somebody’s car radio, and that it would just fade away, but not only did it not fade away, why would someone be playing Christmas songs in May?  Then I realized it was the stereo, cause I listened to this song every Christmas, and I thought that it was a robber. But then I realized, what robber would turn on a stereo?  And why would it (the robber) know where it (the stereo) was?  So, I tiptoed down to my parents room to tell them.  Turns out the ceiling was leaking.  It sounded like footsteps at first, but I had already dismissed the robber theory, so…yeah.

After I had fallen asleep, I woke up to a beeping.  I thought, “Why is my alarm clock on?”.  So, I looked at the alarm clock, but it turned out that it wasn’t that.  So, I looked around my room for something that could make such an annoying noise.  The fire alarm.  I obviously grabbed my glasses and got out of bed.  Nothing wakes you up more than a fire alarm.

Turns out that there was no fire, and the water from the roof had gotten into the fire alarm system, freaking it out and making it beep.  So, that’s about it.  Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep that night, but it makes a very good topic for blog posts!  😀

Valentine ❤

P.S.  Also, Grease is over.  So very sad.

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May Day

I realize I am a day late with this post, but whatever. What is the point of May Day? I know they have this parade and dance around the Maypole… What’s the point? *Any comments would be welcome.  But until then, I think I’ll google it.

*After Google Search*

So, I guess it was a New Year celebration. Not sure why, considering they still had the same calender as us and the calender year starts in January. I think… Anywho, the Maypole thing was just kinda random, and they would always try to get the longest maypole. Imagine living a long time ago, “Burn! I got a better maypole than ye!” And guess what else? It’s to celebrate the beginning of May. It’s a very good time to have it then, isn’t it? It would stink if it was on some other day, like August 23rd.

Yep. That’s May Day. I don’t want to get sued or anything, so here’s the source.

By the way, I hope that Hayley gets 100 posts. I don’t know how many posts I have, but it’s a lot less than 100. So, good luck! 😀

Valentine ❤

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Twitter and Vacation

I just got a twitter account.  What is twitter, you ask?  It is this website that is like a mini blog.  You basically tell the world what you are doing in a sentence or two.  So, it’s like a blog in the way that you are telling the world stuff.  But blogs, (well at least mine) are much longer than a couple sentences.

Vacation!  Doesn’t that remind you of that Rick Charette song?  Yeah, probably just me and Lucy.  But anyways, it’s almost over.   Sad,  I know.  😦

Valentine ❤

P.S.  That was barely more than a couple sentences…

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Masking Tape and Sunglasses

This is going to be a long one.  Just warning you ahead of time.

Last night, I put sunglasses on the Earth.  Wondering why?  I have to do this iMovie for science.  It’s about an alternative energy of our choice.  I did geothermal.  It’s where they get heat from the earth to heat your home and whatever.  Anywho, in the beginning we need to introduce global warming.  It’s one of the reasons people want alternative energy.  *I personally think it’s cool to have your house powered by the sun, so that’s my reason, not that I’m going to put it in my movie.*  Do you get where this is going?  Turns out that I had this styrofoam earth that I made in 5th grade, and a pair of my sister’s sunglasses, and *BAM!*  If you want to see a picture, just comment.  Btw, I thought that this story was going to be more interesting than it was…

Next weird story!  K, so me and Hayley (she’s the same Hayley with the blog) needed masking tape during play practice.  My shoe randomly broke.  I just looked down and it was broken.  Her folder is also slowly ripping apart.  *I hate it when stuff breaks…*  Anywho, we went down to the 6th grade wing, hoping to find some nice teachers equipped with masking tape.  *Am I the only one imagining a superhero with rolls of masking tape on her belt?*  Well, we got some, and we got to keep the roll.  I now have a timeshare on a roll of masking tape.  😀

Longer than the rest of my posts, wasn’t it?  Happy Spring!!!

Valentine ❤

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Band Folder


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New Folders!

On Macs, you can change what your folders look like.  I’m sure you can change them on Windows too, but I’m too lazy to figure out how.  Anywho, I have folders for every subject, and I just changed them!  This might not sound amazing, but it is to me.  *wow, I really have no life…*  So, now they are these awesome iChat icons called funk animals!  And don’t try to google search it, they don’t come up with the right thing.  My favorite one is Algebra, probably.  Or Language Arts.  There’s a picture of some at the bottom.

Valentine ❤

Language Arts

Language Arts



P.S.  I’ll show more in a couple days.  😀

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Fuzzy Orange Slippers!

Right now I am wearing fuzzy orange slippers.  They are very comfortable…  I got them for my birthday.  That’s about all I have to say.  Bye!

Valentine ♥

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I like popcorn.  😀  Microwave popcorn is now off-limits at my house.  Unfortunately, my whole family really likes popcorn.  So, it turns out that you can make it on the stove!  You put the kernels and some oil in a pan, heat it up, and it pops! Well, once you turn on the stove…  We were lucky enough to have a clear lid, so we (me and my sister) saw it popping.  It looks pretty cool.  Then, once it pops, you put salt on it!  Personally, I think it’s way better than microwave popcorn, and much more entertaining.  Anyone have any other ways to make popcorn?  Happy Spring Everyone!  *I can’t wait till all the snow melts!*

Valentine ♥

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Free Rice

So, as The Rambles of Randomness Team had said before, there is this site called and it is really cool. Just wanted to tell you guys that I got a thousand seventy grains of rice. There is proof below my signature.  Can any of you beat that? 😀
Valentine ♥

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Hershey Hugs

They taste really good.  *yum!*  In case you don’t know what Hershey Hugs are, they are just like Hershey Kisses, but they have a white chocolate covering.  If you need more of an explanation, there’s a picture of one at the bottom of this post.  I know,  it’s a cartoon, but it looks cool!  They are probably the best invention of Hershey’s, unless they got the white chocolate and milk chocolate in bar form…  By the way, if a Hershey employee comes across this post, I call dibs on royalties for the “Hug Bar”!  Well, that’s all for now, folks!

Valentine ♥

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