Fire Alarms and Christmas Songs

A few nights ago, the power went out. It came back on at about, 2 in the morning. How does Valentine know this, you ask? And how does this involve fire alarms and Christmas songs? It’s a long story. Better get comfortable! 😀

So, I was asleep. It was 2am. Suddenly I wake up to the stereo downstairs. It was playing Jingle Bells!  I thought that it was somebody’s car radio, and that it would just fade away, but not only did it not fade away, why would someone be playing Christmas songs in May?  Then I realized it was the stereo, cause I listened to this song every Christmas, and I thought that it was a robber. But then I realized, what robber would turn on a stereo?  And why would it (the robber) know where it (the stereo) was?  So, I tiptoed down to my parents room to tell them.  Turns out the ceiling was leaking.  It sounded like footsteps at first, but I had already dismissed the robber theory, so…yeah.

After I had fallen asleep, I woke up to a beeping.  I thought, “Why is my alarm clock on?”.  So, I looked at the alarm clock, but it turned out that it wasn’t that.  So, I looked around my room for something that could make such an annoying noise.  The fire alarm.  I obviously grabbed my glasses and got out of bed.  Nothing wakes you up more than a fire alarm.

Turns out that there was no fire, and the water from the roof had gotten into the fire alarm system, freaking it out and making it beep.  So, that’s about it.  Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep that night, but it makes a very good topic for blog posts!  😀

Valentine ❤

P.S.  Also, Grease is over.  So very sad.

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